Kiko Lake - Items Guide

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Special Effect Items

Have you ever wondered exactly what a certain potion does? Wonder no more, for we bring you this handy guide that explains what they do and where they come from!

Gender Fluid

Gender Fluid

This item allows you to change the gender of your pets at any time. It will not, however, change gender specific designs for pets such as Royal or Usuki.

Gender Fluid sometimes stocks at the Craft Stall that pops up only during certain events in Neopia Central. It typically costs between 900np and 4000np from the vendor.

As of June 2022 (Pride month!) NPC now allows pets to be created with more genders, however pets created before this will need to use this item if they prefer to have a gender different than male and female.

This flask allows any pet to change to the following options:

  • None
  • Other
  • Non-binary
  • Female
  • Male

Strange Potion

Strange Potion

This item also allows you to change the gender of your pets at any time, and will allow you to change the appearance of gender specific designs for pets such as Royal or Usuki.

This item stocks at the Hidden Tower and costs 225,000np from the vendor.

In NPC, when you paint a pet a gender specific colour like Royal or Usuki
you will get to choose what design is displayed regardless of the pets set gender.

This flask allows any pet to change to the following options:

  • None
  • Other
  • Non-binary
  • Female
  • Male

Gender Shake

Gender Shake

This item, when consumed by your pet, will give a random gender for your pet seemingly allowing your pet to "choose" it's own gender, and does NOT allow you to change the appearance of gender specific designs for pets such as Royal or Usuki.

Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water

Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water

This item will randomly change your pet's colour!

Your pet will change randomly into any colour available on NPC, excluding the below colours:

  • Ice
  • MSP - MSC - MSS
  • Polycount
  • Quiguki
  • Robot
  • Royal
  • Sponge
  • Usuki
As a side note, colors that cannot be obtained from the lab ray are:
  • Baby
  • Plushie
  • Angel
  • Quiguki
  • Royal
  • Usuki
  • Pirate

Mysterious Swirly Potion

Mysterious Swirly Potion

This item will randomly change your pet's species into one of the species listed below!
Currently this has a small chance to be obtained when fishing at the Underwater Fishing Cavern with your pets.

Of note, this potion will attempt to keep your existing colour on your pet if it is available in one of the limited edition pets.

Your pet will change into one of the limited edition species available on NPC:

  • Jetsam
  • Chomby
  • Koi
  • Kiko
  • Cybunny
  • Hissi
  • Poogle
  • Tonu

Lutari, Draik and Krawk are not available through the use of Swirly Potions.
In NPC, Lutari are able to be transferred (or pounded) to other users, they do not run away.
Kikos cannot be turned Angel through the use of this potion - the only way to obtain one is through an Angel Kiko Charm.

Stagnant Time Potion

Stagnant Time Potion

This potion can be used for a chance at turning your pet retro if its current species and colour combination has a retro version available. Obtained when fishing at the Underwater Fishing Cavern with your pets.

Twisted Potion

Twisted Potion

This item turns your pet into one of the four basic colours and a random species. Obtained when fishing at the Underwater Fishing Cavern with your pets.

Draik, Krawk and Slushie Chia are not available through the use of Twisted Potions.

Golden Ticket

Golden Ticket

This item paints your pet chocolate! This is found at random with restocking from any shop in neopia!
Bring the pet you want to turn chocolate to the chocolate factory with the ticket, and get a tour of the chocolate river!

Draught of Starvation

Draught of Starvation

Using this item on your pet will make it hungrier! Degrees of hunger are varied, but can be useful for gourmet feeding!

Magical Usuki Makeup Kit

Magical Usuki Makeup Kit

This item allows you to change the appearance of your usuki/royal pets at any time. It will not, however, change the gender.

Upgrade Disc / Shattered Disc

Shattered Disc  /  Upgrade Disc

The upgrade disc turns a Retro coloured pet back to "normal"! Basically un-retros your pet.
You can get the base item, the shattered disc, through fishing! You will need to repair the shattered disc at Donny's Toy Repair Shop. You'll then have an Upgrade Disc. You will take it to the neopetv2 console at the space station and it will turn your retro pet back into a "regular" pet of the same color and species. The item will be consumed on use.

Retro Cartridge


Obtained through recycling items for RP currency at the Grundo's Workshop - Garbage Grinder Prize Shop, this fancy cartridge will turn your pet to Polycount colours! It will be in the most elite tier of the rotating stock! If you haven't unlocked the Garbage Grinder, be sure to scroll through and ready this guide. Once you aquire the cartridge, you'll want to stop over and see Helena in the Neopet V2 Shell Room and select your pet!

Fishin' Bucket and Kad Sack

Fishin' Bucket                     Kad Sack

Once you've found a fishin' bucket (or bought one from another user), you can use it in your inventory screen, and you will automatically store all your fished up items there until you hit it's default capacity of 50.
The Kad Sack is similar, but you'll need to add items to the Kad Sack via your inventory or quickstock for then easy removal to feed them to the Kads at The Kadoatery.

Left-Over Scrap Metal        Left-Over Fabric

If you've fished up or found up a left-over metal or fabric, you can take it to Donny! The Fabric adds +75 slots to your Kad Sack, and the Scrap Metal adds +75 slots to your Fishin' Bucket.

Items of Interest

These items may be unfamiliar to new Neopians, so we thought it would be important to provide a little guidance.

Tokens and Fragments
Be sure to read over our Tokens Guide if you haven't already mastered tokens.

Many interesting seeds can be found through random events in Neopia. You have a small chance to find them when fishing at the Underwater Fishing Cavern with your pets.

There are many seeds to be found, and they can all be planted in your NPC Neogarden. Be sure to gain access from Lucy at Meri Acres Farms. If you haven't already done so, check out our beginners guide.

Pins and Charms
These items will sometimes stock at the Craft Stall that pops up only during certain events in Neopia Central.
Pins and charms can be added to your userlookup and appear underneath your site trophies and pets, but above game trophies.

Pins have no effect on game play but are useful to show off your pride or identify yourself. Pins can be added or removed at any time with no penalty.

Charms are far more rare and have positive effects on game play.

Paintbrush charms will tarnish once removed and will become account bound (no-trade). Having two of the same charm (or tarnished/regular) does not increase the effect of the charm.

Faerie beads are a special charm only handed out occasionally when completing a quest for the respective faerie. The greater faeries, Queen, Grey, and Battle, have a chance to hand out charms as well!

Hover over each charm/pin to see what it does!

The Babaa Economist Charm can be purchased from the Hidden Tower and unlocks an autopricing feature for your shop. Here's a simple breakdown of how the autopricing feature works:

  • The charm first gathers the prices of an item from other shops.
  • If results are found, your item will be priced to match the lowest price on the shop wizard.
  • If no results are found, your item will not be priced.

For every item priced, one of the charm's daily uses is consumed. To begin with, each charm allows 5 uses per day but you can unlock an extra 5 uses per upgrade at your Edit Shop page.

After fetching, prices are not automatically saved - you need to press 'Update' once you have confirmed that you are happy with the prices returned.

Quest Help Items

This is a partial list of special items that can be used to substitute for quest items you can't find in time! Most of these items can be obtained through the Garbage Grinder prize pool rotation.
To turn in these items, simply take the item to the quest location and redeem.

For the Snow Faerie, there is Ultimate Enchanted Chocolate Baked Food.

For the Professor and his Time Machine quests, you can use this item:


For Illusen and Jhudora quests, they will accept these interesting letters.

Incriminating Information on Illusen

Can't find an item for Jhudora? Be sure to give her some dirt on Illusen and she will overlook your missing item.

Jarring Information on Jhudora

Can't find an item for Illusen? Be sure to give her gossip about Jhudora and she will accept that instead.