Kiko Lake - Pet Personalities Guide
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Your Guide to Pet Personalities and Mirrors
Below is a list of the Mirrors that can be used to grant a Personality on your Pet! Your pet's personality can be found on it's individual userlookup just above the Owner category.
The greeting trait at the create a pet screen will determine your initial pet's personality. (Note, if you pet was created before this started, it defaults to friendly personality!)
How does your Neopet greet others?
Act Very Friendly yeilds: Friendly
Try and Make Friends yeilds: Sociable
Smile Sweetly yeilds: Sweet
Aproach with Caution yeilds: Cautious
Stand their Ground yeilds: Brave
Insult from Afar yeilds: Rude
Attack if they are Weaker yeilds: Aggressive
Run awaaaay!!! yeilds: Cowardly
The name of the mirror is first, and the Personality Trait it yeilds when used on your pet is in Italics.
Most of the basic mirrors can be restocked randomly from the Grooming Parlor.
Seasonal mirrors are available annually during their respective event!
This page is currently under construction and the guide is not complete yet!
Restockable Mirrors
Special Event Mirrors