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Creating Your Neohome: Decorate your Home and Gardens
Once your land is approved, you can start building rooms (more info soon), adding upgrades like security and electric (more info soon), and others!
And of course, you'll want to pick up some items from the Neopian Garden Centre. These items can go into your neogarden as well. You can actually find them through planting seeds from your plantable NeoGarden feature. Your NeighborhoodYou can chose what locality you'd like to build at, but you can't choose what street you get approved to build on, so you might want to check out the neighborhood. Be sure to check out your neighborhood and see who lives near you!Creating Rooms and GardensOnce your home is built, you'll want to build your first room! To build a room or garden, go to Your Neohome and click on Manage Rooms and Gardens. Select the area you'd like to contruct a room or a garden. For Rooms, you'll be prompted to chose a building material and what doorways you'd like. For gardens, you'll chose Build Garden. Once you've started construction, you can check Building Status to see how long until your construction is complete. Your workers can only construct one room at a time, so choose wisely! Decorating your NeoHomeTo add decor to your neohome, you'll need to have a item in a furniture category or gardening category in order to add it to a home or garden - items not in these categories are not compatible with neohomes.It helps to name your rooms and gardens as they're done building, which can be found at Manage Rooms and Gardens so that you know for sure what room you're adding an item to. Unlike traditional Neohomes, on Neopets Classic, we've enable used to add plants in your rooms and furniture in your gardens! Due to the nature of the flash conversion, there are some current known errors within the flash format: |